Swift Wart Treatment

Introducing Swift Microwave Therapy at Glen Waverley Foot Clinic!


Do you have plantar warts?  Whether you’ve had them for years, or only weeks they are often the most difficult wart, or verruca, to treat.

SWIFT Microwave therapy is a new, minimally-invasive treatment for warts, and especially plantar warts .  The microwaves generated by the SWIFT work to elicit an immune response so your own body can recognise and fight the wart.

Initial studies are showing an effectiveness or resolution rate of approximately 80% which includes stubborn warts that have failed other treatments.  Our own resolution rate is currently at around 75%.

Normally, three sessions of swift are required (ocassionally one or two, and sometimes four to six) and the fee is $225 a session at Glen Waverley Foot Clinic. This INCLUDES the consultation and $50 disposable applicator head.  Private health rebates are also available depending on your cover.  Given less sessions are generally required, the financial cost can be comparable to conventional treatments.

Advantages of Swift for Plantar warts:

  • Non-invasive
  • No need for paints, tapes, dressings or any DIY by the patient.
  • High success rate for the most stubborn of wart

Please note:  there is some sharp pain during the short treatment bursts, however the residual discomfort does not generally last as long as cryotherapy.

Swift Wart Treatment Results

12yo male.  Greater than 1 year history. Weekly freezing for many months

3 treatments and resolution 1 month after last treatment.


Swift Wart Treatment Results 2

Middle aged female patient with multiple lesions that had been present for 10 years! 3 swift treatments and complete resolution within several months.

Swift Wart Treatment Results 3

Middle aged male – 3 treatments and complete resolution.


More detailed information on Swift:

What are Warts?

Warts are a common infection caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). A present in the outer layer of the skin and are contagious.

They can spread across the body or from person to person and are difficult to get rid of, as they are good at avoiding the bodies immune system.

What is SWIFT therapy?

SWIFT is medical microwave technology where a microwave signal is emitted into the skin.

How do microwaves work?

Microwaves are a non-ionising radiation which can agitate water molecules in the skin without doing any damage to DNA.

Water is a polar molecule that tries to align itself with the electric field of the microwave, however as the waveform is constantly moving, water molecules are forced to vibrate and collide.  This causes friction and thermal energy which allows the desired temperature to be reached within the target cells.

Microwave in SWIFT operate at 8 GHz, which sits between radio and infrared waves. They travel in straight lines without energy splay or surface tissue damage like laser, cryotherapy or acid.

Why does SWIFT work?

The main proposal on how it works is to facilitate the immune system’s response to the HPV. The heat generated (42 to 45°C) causes the release of heat shock proteins from the wart.  This induces maturation of Langerhans cells which migrate to the lymph nodes. Cytotoxic T cells then migrate to the epidermis and begin killing the viral infected cells.

Another proposal is that the heat generated promotes release of the naturally anti-viral cytokines known as interferons.

Will I feel anything?

Due to the heat generated there is a short and sharp discomfort confined to the treatment application (no ongoing discomfort like with other treatments). 45°C is a few degrees warmer than a hot bath and will not cause any serious tissue damage or scarring.


How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments depends on how you respond to the treatment and most patients require three treatments or less. In some rare instances 5 or 6 treatments may be required.

Can I receive this treatment?

Most people are able to receive this treatment,  however the podiatrist would have to determine your suitability on an individual basis.

Even more information:

Here is the original pilot study paper which was headed by world-renowned podiatrist and academic Ivan Bristow.  It contains a lot of academic and scientific terminology.
